Bidvest Corporate - Advertising

Copy Writing, Design, Artwork & Media Booking

Bidvest Steiner

Harrison Consulting created this advert for Bidvest Steiner as part of a multi-pronged trade campaign to create awareness of a new product offering and to assist the sales team.

Understanding our client’s target audience and USP (Unique Selling Proposition) is key to communicating the right message.

Advertising space, be it digital or print is expensive, so getting your message across effectively and efficiently is critical.

And if your company is spending good money on advertising space then it makes sense to do it right the first time.

Other work for this client

Pest Control Brochure for Steiner

Pest Control Brochure

Products & Services<br />

Products & Services

Business marketing and advertising services in Winchester

Let's Get Started!
Ad agency company South Africa UK